mardi 22 mars 2011

Drama with Steve

Hello !

Today's lesson was funny, we did a lot of different games that made us improvise.
We played at "Fuzzy-Ducky" : in a circle we started counting and each time the number contained or was a multiple of 3 we had to say fuzzy, the same thing with 7 we said ducky ! This was a hard game because we had to keep remembering where the count was and make some maths at the same time .

Then we where in pairs , one person was the statue and the other the sculptor. The sculptor had to model the statue. Then we interacted with another pair, both sculptors designed a scene with the two statues interacting: dancing, dog and master ...

We had another intersting game called "Looking after", all the student were in a circle with one person in the middle. The one in the middle had to let herself fall and trust the others that they catch her and look after her. It was hard to keep the eyes closed and to be sure they catch you ^^.

We ended the lesson with a story writing. One person was the writer and as he was writing  his story with his typing machine, actors were playing the scene. First we had a story about 2 girls in competition about their beauty, then an animal birthday party and finally, a crime and investigation scene. It was pretty funny, but each time the stories get a little crazy and it has nothing to do with reality ..
At least we can see we have a lot of imagination and creativity !

** See you next week **

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