dimanche 17 avril 2011


This week was another session of drama improvising !
First we played a game with a bottle to warm up, one person was the cat at first and had to touch the others with the bottle that made them become a cat too. It was a good way to wake up, because in the morning it is quit difficult.
After that we started improvising on a special scene setting. The stage was supposed to be a disc on balance with people standing on it. At first, we were just walking and runing around but then we had some scenes going on and the character had to keep the disc on balance while there were moving.
Then, we played a funny game: everybody eyes closed and one person being the vampire. The vampire strangled the other, what made them freeze. So each person had to escape the vampire, all that with the eyes closed. It was funny to run around eyes closed trying to escape from someone you don't even know where he is!

One other fun thing we did was the paquito ! people standing and carrying one person like the picture below:

Another class of drama improvising that was good !
See you next week : this time we are going to have brunch ;)

dimanche 3 avril 2011

Getting to know yourself !

This week's class was all about getting to know yourself.
We did a game that consisted in making 2 lines with people standing. Then , one person ran in the middle of these lines with closed eyes, and at the end 2 people caught this person. To do this exercise you had to trust the people around you and be confident that they will actually catch you.

After that we walked around the room and Steve gave adjectives qualifying personnality. We had to play the opposite of what you think you are. For example for reserved/extrovert, I played reserved beacause I think I am not really. This exercise was fun to me because it made us think about our personnality, and sometimes I didn't really know which one of the adjectives qualified me best.

To finish, we made an improvised drama scene with 6 people at the time: each person had a status number from 1 to 6, 1 being the highest status. We had a scene with a bank hold up, and one with 5 mothers in a playground with their children that was pretty funny. The status wass not defined by the job or career but with the person's behaviour, her influence on the audience that made her low or high status. We had to guess the status number of each character, and we were not bad at guessing that !

**See you next week**

mardi 22 mars 2011

Drama with Steve

Hello !

Today's lesson was funny, we did a lot of different games that made us improvise.
We played at "Fuzzy-Ducky" : in a circle we started counting and each time the number contained or was a multiple of 3 we had to say fuzzy, the same thing with 7 we said ducky ! This was a hard game because we had to keep remembering where the count was and make some maths at the same time .

Then we where in pairs , one person was the statue and the other the sculptor. The sculptor had to model the statue. Then we interacted with another pair, both sculptors designed a scene with the two statues interacting: dancing, dog and master ...

We had another intersting game called "Looking after", all the student were in a circle with one person in the middle. The one in the middle had to let herself fall and trust the others that they catch her and look after her. It was hard to keep the eyes closed and to be sure they catch you ^^.

We ended the lesson with a story writing. One person was the writer and as he was writing  his story with his typing machine, actors were playing the scene. First we had a story about 2 girls in competition about their beauty, then an animal birthday party and finally, a crime and investigation scene. It was pretty funny, but each time the stories get a little crazy and it has nothing to do with reality ..
At least we can see we have a lot of imagination and creativity !

** See you next week **

lundi 21 mars 2011

The return ^^

It's been a long time since there has been the winter holidays in february !
Last week, the English Drama improvising module has been good, as always it is a fun way to wake up.
We always have the cat and mouse game that warms us up !
During the first hour we did a game that made us express emotions with our face without mimicing them. We had: relief, anger, sadness, joy, fear, surprise ...
It was actually intersting to feal the emotions and try to share them just with our face, but it was not always easy beacause you get tempted to make moves.

During the second hour we played some scenes with virtual characters. The scene was about someone interogating another person to get information from him. To do so, we had a scene with a mafia boss and a little drug dealer. The drug dealer owed money to the mafia who tried to intimidate him with the virtual muscle man !
This was actually pretty funny, especially to watch !

**See you next week**

samedi 12 février 2011

This week, as a start we did the same cat and mouse game . After that, things got more serious we a crescendo counting game: we had to start counting at "one" pianissimo to "ten" fortissimo. This was actually hard enough because each person had to count louder than the one before. It was not easy and we had to start over several times , lol.
Then we practised on a game in which we had to make moves at the same time , following a leader. But the trick was that the leader should not be discovered. It was also pretty challenging because we had to use our peripheric vision and do the moves at the same time than the other people. We finished the class with a little show, in groups we did this move game while using the space on stage.

These activites made us be aware of the other people's moves, so that we try to do them all in one even though everything is improvised.

**See you next week**

samedi 5 février 2011

Drama improvisation games

This Tuesday started our Drama English module. We are supposed to learn how to loose our mind and discover hidden sources of creativity !