samedi 12 février 2011

This week, as a start we did the same cat and mouse game . After that, things got more serious we a crescendo counting game: we had to start counting at "one" pianissimo to "ten" fortissimo. This was actually hard enough because each person had to count louder than the one before. It was not easy and we had to start over several times , lol.
Then we practised on a game in which we had to make moves at the same time , following a leader. But the trick was that the leader should not be discovered. It was also pretty challenging because we had to use our peripheric vision and do the moves at the same time than the other people. We finished the class with a little show, in groups we did this move game while using the space on stage.

These activites made us be aware of the other people's moves, so that we try to do them all in one even though everything is improvised.

**See you next week**

samedi 5 février 2011

Drama improvisation games

This Tuesday started our Drama English module. We are supposed to learn how to loose our mind and discover hidden sources of creativity !